Baja Amigos 38 Day Tour Endorsement Extraordinaire!
Travelling with Baja Amigos has provided us with a truly unique opportunity to experience Baja Mexico and to develop an appreciation of its people, culture, economy and geographic diversity.
This opportunity exists because Dan and Lisa:
• have spent years creating and perfecting just the right mix of travel time, destination locations, excursions and relaxation times.
• have created incredible preparation material which is invaluable as you provision for the adventure, something we had never done before.
• run the wagon train adventure with fun, humour, and many opportunities to develop friendships with fellow travellers on the road, all with due regard to safety and security.
• are people of true integrity in all that they say and do, as evidenced by the deep relationships they have with community members wherever we stopped.
All of their qualities make for the very best experience you will ever have.
Dan and Lisa are THE consummate Wagon Masters!