464 km/289 miles – This will be a long day on the road as we retrace our journey on Toll Hwy 15D which is largely 4 lanes. After leaving the campground we return to Hwy 15D and head north, past Culiacan, Guasave and the north side of Los Mochis. Plan for a lunch stop on the road, a fuel stop and body breaks along the way.
50 Day Tour Itinerary
Day 48-Guaymas, Sonora
228 km/137 m – We have reached the end of the tour and this morning we are headed for the Hotel Playa de Cortes & Trailer Park in Guaymas (GPS 27.91225 N, 110.94506 W) which has a full-service campground, pool, restaurant and bar.
Day 49-Santa Ana, Sonora
309 km/192 m – This is the end of the tour and your last full day and overnight stay in Mexico. We are returning to the the Punta Vista RV Park (GPS 30.53556 N, 111.11642 W).
Day 50-Lukeville or Nogales, Arizona
260 km/161 m – The Caravan is getting a good start this morning and should be back into the US by noon. We have a stop along the way to turn in the TIPs at a new Aduana installation at San Emeterio, this would be a great opportunity for a body break.