February 19, 2011 – We arrived yesterday afternoon in Cabo San Lucas which is experiencing a bit of a heat wave, 30c as we got settled into Vagabundos Del Mar RV Park. Unfortunately I had sat on my driving glasses so we took a drive to COSTCO and am pleased to report my new glasses will be ready today, the cost you ask, about $55, not bad eh? As usual we had a great dinner last night at Peter & Joe’s restaurant in the park, the place was packed! They have also received excellent reviews in the local Gringo Gazette, not a surprise. Our beach time in the Bahia Concepcion and Tecolote was very good, lots of Kayaking and very little wind, as they say, “Timing is Everything”. A few days ago my starter on the Van began acting up, not a new experience for those driving Fords. During our stay at Mike and Bertha’s (Palapa 206) Mike called on a local mechanic he often refers work to. Luis arrived in a couple of hours, assessed the situation, removed the starter without unhooking from the trailer and returned the next morning and installed it after rebuilding the starter and adding a new solenoid, cost $85! The Caravan left only 30 minutes late, what can I say, Mexican mechanics are remarkable.